Uploading Competition Entries
Entries should be uploaded at https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/
You will need to obtain a login from the club competitions secretary burghfieldcc@gmail.com
After logging in to the site, choose the correct Competition Group: this is usually the current season.
You will then see a list of the competitions to date, including the current one.
Follow the on-screen prompts to upload the files from your computer.
Before uploading, export your images as JPGs. Pay particular attention to the image dimensions, and the colour space. It doesn't matter what the filenames are. You cannot upload a JPG that is larger than 10MB.
The basic steps are:
1. Select the Competition. You can only submit/change/delete entries when the Competition is Open.
2. Check the number of entries that you are allowed for this Competition. It is shown as "Entries Allowed" on the entry screen.
3. Click on Add Entry.
4. Supply a Title (watch out for the limited characters you can use), optionally supply a Reference, and select the publishing options and click Save.
5. You do not need to add your name or any qualifications, as the system already knows them.
6. Once the messages for the Entry are green, your entry is accepted. You may still have a warning about image dimensions (see below).
7. Add further entries if the "Add Entry" button is visible; ie. when the Competition is Open and you are allowed more entries.
The system will warn you if the colour space is wrong or the image is too big. You are then able to correct this an upload the correct file.
The uploader’s text-based help system is here.
Digital images will be projected in JPEG format only, 8-bit, sRGB, 1400 (wide) x 1050 (high) maximum resolutions.
Portrait images must be not larger than 1050 pixels high. A border may be added but pixel size must not be exceeded.