
Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

Members and visitors shall, at all times, observe this Policy; show respect for, and understanding of, their rights, safety and welfare; and conduct themselves in a way that reflects credit on the Club.

Throughout this document it should be understood the ‘Child’ also includes ‘Vulnerable Adult’.

1.    Any person under the age of 16, whether a member or a visitor, must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian when involved in club activities (including outside events under the control of the club).  The parent or guardian does not need to be a club member and would not have to pay for entry.  For anyone who is almost 16 and whose parents would not wish to attend a meeting special arrangements incorporating written and signed permission could be agreed between parents and Committee members.

2.    Vulnerable adults are welcome to attend the club.  Membership and the needs of the vulnerable person, will be considered by the Committee, on a case-by-case basis.  If a person normally receives the service of a carer, then they should be accompanied by that carer,  at all times during all club activities. They would not have to pay for entry.

3.    We expect all Club members to follow best practice when entering child photography into competitions.  All images of children must be deemed appropriate and final submission of images is at the discretion of the Internal Competition Secretary.

4.    Vulnerable adults and children under the age of 16 shall not model for the club without the written consent of a parent/guardian or an appropriate person.  They should also be accompanied, by that person, for the duration of the modelling session.

5.    At external portrait sessions young people will only be photographed at the request of a parent or guardian and consent is assumed.

6.    No images of children appearing to be under the age of 16 will be published on the website and FaceBook without express permission.