
Club Constitution

1. The Club shall be called “Burghfield Camera Club”, (hereafter referred as “the Club”). 

2. The Aims and Objectives of the Club shall be to encourage and promote an interest in photography, and enable all members to both appreciate and learn about all aspects of photography.

3. A Member is a person who has paid a subscription for the current season, and therefore has full voting rights. There are three types of membership:-

  • Adult

  • Student. Any person over the age of 16 and under 21 who is in full education. Evidence of full time education will need to be presented on application.

  • Young Person, aged 16 and under.  A young person may only attend meetings if accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of each meeting. Any under age person trying to attend a meeting unaccompanied will not be accepted.

4. All membership is subject to review by Committee.

5. The Committee of the Club shall consist of up to 10 members. A quorum shall be 4 members, of whom 2 must be Officers.

6. The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. * Due to the small number of members, we are temporarily combining the roles of Chairperson and Secretary to ensure we have full coverage. This will revert to individual roles as and when membership is sufficient.  This was the unanimously agreement of those present at the AGM 29th June 2023.

7. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, to be held at the end of the season each year, as stated in the programme.

8. Any member of the Club shall be eligible to be nominated for the committee. Nominations 
must be submitted prior to the AGM. 

9. If more than one person is nominated for a position on the committee they will be chosen by  
secret ballot by the full paid up members.

10. Committee members shall serve for a period of one year only but are eligible for re-election at the end of each year. No person and spouse/partner may serve on the committee as officers at the same time, although one may serve as an officer and the other as an ordinary committee member.

11. Election of Officers.  Officers of the committee may serve for a period of up to three years in any post. A retiring officer my continue for a further year in the same post, if required.

12. The Committee have the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy on the committee during the year; also the power to co-opt up to 2 additional members onto the committee.

13. The Treasurer will keep proper accounts, which shall be made available to any member for examination and be presented to all members at the AGM.

14. The various subscriptions for the different types of membership will be formulated by the Committee and presented to the members present at the AGM.

15. The decision to disband the Club must be voted on by the members at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General meeting.

16. In the event of an AGM or EGM, 20% of the fully paid up members, plus a quorum of the Committee must be in attendance.

17. Should the Club disband for any reason, all remaining assets of the Club, after all debts have been paid, shall be distributed equally amongst all fully paid members.

18. The Constitution will be reviewed by the Committee periodically or after 5 years.

19. Any Rules or Policy changes shall be agreed by Committee and notified to members.